Sunday, 28 March 2010

Kynance Cove

Image title - Landscape at High Tide

When I came to do this shoot at Kynance the tide was nearly at its highest and this cove looks completely different from low to high tide. So I captured this to reveal the vast domination of the sea against the cove. The weather conditions can create a fierce sea around where this cove is located in 'The Lizard' and with this Wide shot of Kynance I managed fill the frame with a varying range of blues in the sea and textures in the rocks/headlands.

With this shot I used my DSLR Nikon D80 with a 17-70mm zoom Sigma lens to get a wide shot. I was shooting with a fairly quick shutter to prevent any blur in the water with a mid ranged aperture. I wanted to create a painted effect within my image so I worked with levels and saturation to push this style. To get such a high shot looking down on to Kynance cove I had to get up to a high peak on the other headland to the cove.

Image title - Scale

When I was stood on the peak of a headland I could see the whole of the cove filled with its high tide. Huge rocks sit in the water at high tide around the headlands of Kynance and I wanted to show just how big the scale of these rocks are with the size of the people standing on the headland. The image is very dramatic as the large agressive sea creates this vunerability to the people on the headland.

To take this shot I used a bigger lens to get a closer shot, this was a 70-300mm Sigma zoom lens. I placed the composition of the people on the right middle side of the frame to strengthen to dramatic sense of vunerability in the people against the large scales of the rocks and sea.

Image title - Choppy

The Lizard is known for its choppy sea conditions and the day I went to do this shoot at Kynance there was an extremely choppy sea in the cove. With this shot I felt that the jaggered rocks fitted the texture and form of the crashing wave as it enters the left side of the frame. The frame is filled with an aggresive emotion however the pools of light hitting the jaggered rocks alongside the bleached white tips of the waves express a beauty.

To get a fairly close shot on this image I used the same lens as I did with the last image and had to zoom in a lot. It took a while to capture this image as I had to get the right composition of the wave to the rocks and waiting for waves to come in where I wanted them too proved to be a waiting game. I cropped the image to force a better focus on the wave and rocks which provided the frame with a more dramatic shot.

Image title - Burst

Kynance cove is full of small and large enclosed and opened pools where the sea can flood into. One of my favourite places to see powerful white water is on the left side of the cove because when the waves are big and strong enough there is a gap that waves can smash through and this is a shot of the wave bursting through the gap. I feel that the white water pushing through the dark rocks create a good contrast. The bursting water allows the frame to provide shapes and form in the water which increase strength in this dramatic action shot.

To make this shot I used a large zoom lens again to pick up detail in the white water. I used the same DSLR Nikon D80 also. I cropped the sides of the image to pull more focus into the bursting wave and to provide it with more power in its shape/form. To capture such a fast moving wave I had to use a very fast shutter speed with a low aperture to ensure enough light would be let in to the sensor.

Image title - Contrasting colours

Kynance is full of wonderful and interesting sites and has a beatiful range of colourful rocks. I wanted to provide one of my five images with an example of this. The water flowing down the rocks provides a small depth in the image. In the shot a range of textures and tones spill into the frame from the rocks with glowing green seaweed scattered randomly. I find this random assortment creates and interesting composition in the picture with a colourful contrast.

To take this shot I used a fairly wide lens zoomed in. I positioned myself alongside this flowing water to create an interesting compositon. I also cropped the image to hold a concentration on the contrasting colours and flowing water. Using levels in post productions heightened any low colours forward.

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